Strategic development

Define your success – how will you recognise it? Are you headed in the right direction? Are you actually making the progress you want?

PP Pradhan & Co’s strategic development advisers have the breadth and depth of experience to work with you to refresh and clarify your strategy and by so doing ensure the alignment of your top management team. This is never more important than in the run-up to market flotation.

We will explore with you key objectives and plans:

  • Do your objectives reflect what you really want for your business?
  • Do your plans anticipate the need for managing  change?
  • Do all the key decision makers want the same outcomes?

With you we will look at current and future products and services, roles and structure, your people and your market focus.

We will help you establish progress indicators and an implementation process to generate and maintain momentum.

Most plans fail, not because they are not good plans, but because they are not fully implemented. We will coach you through this.

‘Strategic development’ is a key component in the PP Pradhan & Co Growth Programme, a structured approach that looks at the fundamental business criteria used by banks, venture capitalists and other financiers to assess proposals.