Dispute services
The world of dispute resolution has changed substantially in the past decade and the role of the forensic accountant has changed with it.
Dispute Advisory
In settlement negotiations, being clear of the merits of the case from both the legal and quantum perspectives and being able to argue persuasively from a position of knowledge, are vital if positions are to be optimised. Our team offers proportionate and cost‐effective analysis and advice which gives our clients and their legal advisors the ability to clearly understand the financial and loss issues and plan and execute the appropriate settlement strategies.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
We are also able to offer facilitation services for the settlement of commercial dispute through our trained mediators and arbitrators or through acting as Experts in mediation, determination and other forms of ADR. Not all cases will settle.
Expert Witness
When this happens, we can provide expert witnesses for a variety of High Court and arbitral proceedings and criminal and disciplinary matters. We pride ourselves in keeping things simple and focused, presenting our work in clear and unambiguous terms. As one of the Nepal’s leading business services firms, we have relevant expertise for a to help address the issues we are asked to review or examine.